Current Team

Maria Vicky Humbert, PhD. Postdoctoral Fellow

Sophie Breusegem, PhD. Postdoctoral Fellow

Analle Abuammar, MSc. Research Assistant

Aaran Vikujamaran, MSc. PhD student

Chris GodbeherePhD student

Odara Megadahara, PhD student

Leah Hurst, MSc student


Melis Dalbay, PhD. Postdoctoral Fellow
Project: The role of ACE-2 isoforms in SARS-CoV2 infection

Zhen Liu, PhD. Postdoctoral Fellow
Project: Development of a super-resolution imaging toolbox for diagnosis of PCD
Awards: Restracomp Postdoctoral Fellowship; Best Poster, PCD foundation meeting

Andrew Sydor, PhD. Postdoctoral Fellow
Project: Functional role of centrosomal proteins in primary recessive microcephaly
Awards: Restracomp Postdoctoral Fellowship; Best Oral presentation, U. of Toronto. Biochemistry

Cristina Rovelli, PhD. Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow
Project: Phenotypic analysis of novel centrosomal proteins

Rachel Hanna, PhD. Research Associate
Project: Mechanisms of PCM assembly

Quynh Nguyen, MSc. Graduate Student
Project: The structure of basal feet by super-resolution microscopy

Antonio Mollica, MSc. Graduate Student
Project: Validation of novel genes in ciliopathy disease

Alex James, MSc. Biological Sciences
Project: Cytoskeletal cortical interaction in airway multiciliated cells

Qingxu Elias Guan, B.S.
Alexandra Albulescu, B.S.
David Djenic, B.S.
Andriana Tetenych, B.S.
Helen Liu, B.S.
Jia Kelly Zhou, B.S.
Alexa Fitzpatrick, B.S.
Anushree Rai, B.S.
Clara Eleonore Pavillet, B.S.
Essra Elnagdi, B.S.
Anh Pham, B.S.

Jasmine Kang
Cindy Fang
Cathy Meng